Fraternity and global warming

the need for care with mother earth


  • Jéssica Manfrin
  • Mayara Andria da Silva Escher
  • Jaime José Rauber



Environment. Earth Planet. Environmental Preservation. Environmental Conservation.


The interference of the human being on planet Earth has been guided by the principles of exploitation and domination, putting at risk not only his life but all creation. In this sense, this article aims to reflect on the impact of human actions on the environment, since these are geared much more towards the satisfaction of personal desires and desires than for the perpetuity of the species and all forms of life. It is a fact that the human species depends on Mother Earth for its survival, but as the actions of men are being carried out in an aggressive, invasive and unbalanced way, far from the characteristics of the principle of care, Mother Earth "labor pains". It will be shown that the solution of the problems that interfere in the "health" of the planet Earth is urgent and necessary, because with its actions the human being is putting at risk its own existence.

Author Biographies

Jéssica Manfrin

Engenheira Ambiental (PUCPR – Campus Toledo/PR) e Mestra em Agronomia (Unioeste – Campus Marechal Cândido Rondon/PR). Atua na área da Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Remediação de Compartimentos Ambientais.

Mayara Andria da Silva Escher

Engenheira Ambiental (PUCPR – Campus Toledo/PR) e Especialista em Gerenciamento Ambiental (Esalq-USP). Atua na área da Sustentabilidade Ambiental e Monitoramento Ambiental.

Jaime José Rauber

Doutor em Filosofia (Universidade Federal de São Carlos). Atua como professor adjunto na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR).





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