Mysticism in the construction of the Ultimate Reality

Hindu Triad and Holy Trinity


  • Joachim Andrade Studium Theologicum (Faculdade Claretiana de Curitiba)



Ultimate Reality. Mysticism. Triad. Trinity.




The article analyzes the role of mysticism in the construction of the Ultimate Reality in two distinct traditions: Hinduism and Christianity. All through the elaboration, the article clarifies the understanding of the mysticism and its paths presented by the scientists of religion that led to the building of the various images of the Ultimate Reality, namely, God. Two images are chosen, Hindu Triad and Holy Trinity, presenting them as to how they were elaborated by the mystics of these two traditions, through the analysis of the existing contexts of that time. The final considerations, make an appeal, that the most important role of mysticism is to establish the harmonic human relations with each other and also between humans and the Ultimate Reality.  

Keywords: Ultimate Reality. Mysticism. Triad. Trinity.

Author Biography

Joachim Andrade, Studium Theologicum (Faculdade Claretiana de Curitiba)

Indiano, membro da congregação do Verbo Divino. Professor de Teologia pela PUC-PR e Studium Theologicum (Faculdade Claretiana de Curitiba).  Mestre em Antropologia Social (UFPR - 2003). Doutor em Ciências da Religião (PUC-SP - 2007). Membro da Equipe Interdisciplinar da Conferência dos Religiosos do Brasil (CRB). Autor de cinco livros e numerosos artigos científicos. 





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