The mystic-religious experience according to Michel Henry’s phenomenology of religion


  • Bruno dos Santos Queiroz UFU



: Michel Henry. Phenomenology of Religion. Life. Mystical-Religious Experience.


The purpose of this article is to present the understanding of the Vietnamese philosopher Michel Henry about the mystical-religious experience based on his phenomenology of religion. From this, the definition of phenomenology of religion will be considered in the light of the synthesis between the Dutch school and the Husserlian phenomenological method. It will also be discussed the henrian critiques of ontological monism and the discovery of life. In this way, it will be possible to understand the comprehension of religious experience in the light of a phenomenology of life and Henry's philosophy of Christianity. It is concluded that the henrian understanding of the mystical experience is fruitful for the most diverse religions and even for non-theistic perspectives.

Keywords: Michel Henry. Phenomenology of Religion. Life. Mystical-Religious Experience.

Author Biography

Bruno dos Santos Queiroz, UFU

Mestre em filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – UFU (2022), como bolsista da CAPES. Psicólogo e graduando em Filosofia, pela UFU. Exerce atividades de monitoria no curso de Filosofia da UFU. Pesquisa fenomenologia em Martin Heidegger, filosofia da religião, fenomenologia da religião, pensamento de Michel Henry.





DOSSIÊ MÍSTICA DAS RELAÇÕES: Perspectivas de análise