The mystic of the relationship of bodhisattva Kuan Yin with the populations of the Far East and Brazil


  • Haroldo Tuyoshi Sato Universidad de Salamanca
  • Angel-Baldomero Espina Barrio Universidad de Salamanca



This is an article on religious anthropology, which studies the myth and rite of Kuan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion who, since his emergence in the sutras of Mahayana Buddhism, was welcomed by the populations of the Far East and the world, as one of the maximum expressions of it. The myth will be studied historically, and through interviews with devotees of the bodhisattva and the rite, through participant observation.

Author Biographies

Haroldo Tuyoshi Sato, Universidad de Salamanca

Faz Pós-doutorado em Antropologia pela Universidad de Salamanca, Doutor em Psicologia Clínica pela Universidade de São Paulo.

Angel-Baldomero Espina Barrio, Universidad de Salamanca

Professor Titular em Antropologia Social, pela Universidad de Salamanca, Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidad de Madri. Orientador deste artigo.





DOSSIÊ MÍSTICA DAS RELAÇÕES: Perspectivas de análise