The Drama of a Humanist Atheist


  • José Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos



religion; doubt; science; atheism; ontology


The history of Man is also the history of its religions, which have always functioned as ontological anchors proposing a teleology for existence. Only very late in human history was the role of religion questioned. Religion addresses the mystery of life by freeing the spirit from any logical or rational scruples. In this way, religion proposes a dual nature for the human being, inextricably bringing together elements of his divine origin as well as traces of his condition as a prisoner of the underworld. Religion suppresses time, but after the big bang, time and space were created and the arrow of time conditioned everything from that primordial moment. Science has progressively dissolved some of the presuppositions of faith, however, some answers to the primordial questions are impossible to give either by science or by religion. This essay sought, in the light of a personal experience, to glimpse the possibility of humanistic, I would say religious, concerns in an openly atheist individual.

Author Biography

José Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos

Doutor em Biologia do Desporto. Professor Associado com Agregação Jubilado da Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto. Ex-Diretor do Mestrado em Treino de Alto Rendimento Desportivo da FADEUP



