Tomás de Aquino, Conhecimento de Deus, Prazer


  • Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento Unicamp
  • Márcio Fernandes da Cruz UFU



For the medieval man and particularly for the members of some religious order, the first and most important relation of the human being is certainly with God. It should not be forgotten that Iberian expansion took place "by dilating faith and empire," as Camões says. Now, the relation with God can undoubtedly find various forms of realization. However, the highest of all is that of the experience of God, of his knowledge as unknown, since such an experience would not be of conceptual order but through divine predilection (charity), which finds a privileged indication in the experience of touch and of taste.

It is within this framework that we propose an interpretation of the well-known desire of Aquinas, in his last days, to eat fresh herrings. It will be indicated the context of the episode in the life of Thomas and the cultural environment of the thirteenth-century.

Keywords: Aquinas, Knowledg of God, Plesure, Mussulmans, Last wish.

Author Biographies

Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento, Unicamp

Doutor em Estudos Medievais pela Université de Montréal. Professor titular aposentado do Departamento de Filosofia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) e da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).

Márcio Fernandes da Cruz, UFU

Mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU (2012-2014). Doutorando em Filosofia pela UFU (2022-). Especialista em Ciências da Religião pelo Instituto Passo 1 (2017). Membro do Colegiado do Centro Internacional de Estudos Medievais da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (CIDEMUFU) desde Agosto de 2018. Possui experiência na área de Filosofia Geral, com ênfase em Filosofia Antiga e Medieval e se dedica à investigação do pensamento filosófico, educacional e teológico de Tomás de Aquino.





Fórum 2