20 YEARS OF LAW 10.639/03/2003
Teaching the History of Africa, the History of Afro-Brazilian Cultures, and Decolonial Thought
Law 10.639/03/2003, which establishes the inclusion of content aimed at teaching the history of the peoples and societies of the African continent, Afro-Brazilian cultures, and the struggle of Afro-descendants for equal rights, turned twenty years old in 2023. However, its implementation in the curricula of basic education schools and undergraduate courses remains precarious. The aim of this article is to propose a reflection on the place of the content proposed by Law 10.639/03/2003 in the context of History Teaching, in light of the issues raised by the decolonial perspective. This reflection is based on the question of which history of Africa we wish to teach, why, to whom, and for what purpose.
Keywords: Law 10.639/2003. History of Africa. History Teaching. Decolonial Thought.
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